4514 Cole Ave, #600, Dallas, Texas 75205
Call Steve 214-306-8045 Call Steve 214-306-8045

Dealing with Tough Whistleblower Retaliation Issues

A dependable legal resource to help you fight for your rights

If you witness illegal or unfair practices within a company, organization or government agency, it is your legal right to report it without penalty. However, some organizations unethically retaliate against whistleblowers, which is illegal and out of compliance with federal regulations. For more than three decades, Attorney Steve Kardell has helped workers from a wide variety of industries with the complex whistleblower claims process. He helps ensure companies do not engage in retaliation tactics against individuals who have chosen to expose wrongdoing. When you need sound legal assistance related to whistleblower and compliance issues, turn to our respected firm.

More emphasis on reducing whistleblower retaliation nationwide

In recent years, there has been increased regulatory focus placed on whistleblower retaliation, protecting those who choose to expose and report wrongdoing within businesses and organizations. In response, many U.S. companies are starting to investigate more instances of whistleblower retaliation as they seek to avoid compliance violations and sustain overall employee morale. Additionally, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has asked numerous companies for backlogged nondisclosure agreements and other contracts that could be used to stifle whistleblowers.

Another recent trend has been a longer average length for retaliation claims to be resolved, reaching 39 days in 2014, according to an industry report. This may result in lower employee confidence and trust, significantly impacting both workers and the businesses and organizations that employ them.

Ensuring employers remain compliant with current regulations

With all this in mind, it’s increasingly important for whistleblowers to fight for their legal rights when reporting illegal or unethical acts within their organizations. This extends to challenges that may arise after a claim has been filed, as companies that delay resolutions or retaliate against whistleblowers need to be held accountable for their actions — or lack thereof. They may also take actions such as the following:

  • Terminating or reassigning the whistleblower to a different job
  • Denying overtime or promotions
  • Making threats or engaging in intimidation
  • Unfairly disciplining and/or demoting whistleblowers
  • Reducing workers’ hours or pay

Our skilled Dallas-Fort Worth whistleblower attorney offers unparalleled guidance and advice through all stages of the whistleblower claim process, from the initiation of a complaint to taking action against employers that attempt to retaliate against whistleblowers.

Meet with a knowledgeable whistleblower law attorney

For the guidance and advice you need related to whistleblower retaliation issues, consult azttorney Steve Kardell. Call us today at 214-306-8045 or contact us online to schedule a meeting at our office, conveniently located in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.


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