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Knoxville Police Whistleblower Claims Retaliation Lead to Resignation

A former law enforcement officer with the Knoxville Police Department in Tennessee claims his department retaliated against him after he filed a complaint about vulgar roll call videos and various other examples of inappropriate behavior within the department. He ultimately resigned as a result of the alleged retaliation.

The officer. Lt. Travis Brasfield, submitted a grievance to department Chief Eve Thomas, claiming he was transferred to an isolated conference room without windows and forced to perform “fruitless labor” after his reports. He claims Thomas told him he was in an “explosive situation,” and as a result transferred him from his patrol assignment to the new office position, where he was isolated and instructed to review department compliance issues.

Lt. Brasfield claimed the department roll call video featured a KPD sergeant graphically talking about forced oral sex. He also claims administrators failed to appropriately respond to a deputy’s complaint that another KPD patrolman was having an affair with his wife.

Lt. Brasfifeld had worked for the department since 1996.

Inappropriate behavior in the workplace should not be tolerated

Everyone has the right to be able to go to work without feeling as though they are being harassed or demeaned. Blowing the whistle on inappropriate behavior can help to hold employers accountable for their actions.

In addition, numerous federal laws protect whistleblowers against retaliatory actions. If you believe you have been a victim of whistleblower retaliation, contact an experienced whistleblower attorney at Kardell Law Group right away.


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